You may be inundated with advice on how to cope with your stress during a crisis like COVID-19. I also tend to pick and choose what I read or listen to, and I like to share the ones I found helpful. This podcast was good: only 17 minutes long and straight to the point.
Here is thy synopsis of what it covers (with a link to the full PodCast below it)
How to manage stress through COVID-19 (podcast)
Donald Miller and Dr. JJ Peterson talked about how to best manage stress during this time. They share a story of a high-end restaurant in Seattle called Canlis owned by Mark and Brian Canlis. The restaurant decided to quickly pivot, shutting down their dining room and instead "open three pop-up replacements: a bagel shop, a drive-through burger joint, and a "family meal” delivery service that includes a bottle of wine.”
The first key takeaway is that Stress can actually be beneficial and enhancing if you know how to manage it. Through this ordeal the Canlis brothers describe their 3 step recipe for handling stress:
- See it.
Rather than denying stress or ignoring it, you need to describe it and explain it. In other words, you need to name it. What is stressing you out? Is it lost revenue? Employee morale, forced-closing of your program services? Whatever it is, you need to be able to describe it in words. - Own it.
Stress shows us that we care about something that is important. Owning this realization allows us to understand that things that are important do not always come easy. The times of fastest growth are often our times of pain. Sometimes the growth happens by force and people do not like it. Regardless, you just have to own it.
The Candlis brothers describe their business venture as a trip up Everest. It looks glamorous, and when we reach the summit it will be, but the trip up there is really really hard. So when a crisis comes and the stress level rises, the Candlis brothers describe it as "another cold dark night on the side of Everest.” Well that sounds depressing doesn't it, but what did you expect, that climbing Everest would be a talk in the park? Did you think that owning a business or running a charity would be easy?”
Owning it allows you to re-frame your stress and this pandemic as an opportunity to have a new season of growth. - Use it.
The Evolutionary goal of stress was to help boost the body and mind into a state of enhanced functioning. When the body encounters stress, it pumps hormones that increase blood flow to the brain and improves your focus and performance. This is a response intended to propel the individual into increased energy, alertness and renewed focus. The issue is not in the response itself but in how we channel it.
If you can harness this, it can be powerful. To do that, you will need to understand how to re-frame your perspective of the stress -- converting it from an insurmountable challenge to one of opportunity and growth. Do that, and you will quickly find that you are climbing higher vs. sinking lower.
Good luck and hopefully this helps. To listen to the entire podcast, please go here. Any leave a comment to Don Miller thanking him for his wisdom. Or better yet, subscribe and continue to be fed along the way.
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