Adopting mobile bidding can seem like a scary and taxing process. Our reason for listing these objections is to emphasize that these preconceptions are untrue.
In part one, we discussed the top 5 objections for this adoption process. In this second part, we would like to resolve any lasting concerns you or your organization may have about adopting mobile bidding.
Mobile bidding myths and rumors (continued)
Objection 6: There isn't Enough Time to Learn New Software
This objection at first glance may seem valid, but it couldn't be further from the truth. The time spent around administrative tasks, such as generating bid sheets and processing invoices, is often much greater than that of learning a new software. In addition, you learn the software once, each year you will have to do all of those other manual things.
Even those most afraid of technology typically learn to use Handbid's mobile bidding software in less than a day (and even faster if you op for one of our training classes.) After which, you can immediately start reaping its benefits: more bids, accurate data, and more revenue.
Objection 7: Our Board Doesn't Think it's a Good Idea
Did your board actually believe mobile bidding software is a bad idea? We understand it is often difficult to approach a board with new ideas as they are naturally skeptical and want to understand the ROI. Therefore, since we expect boards make decisions off of data-driven insights, let's shower them with data and facts! We have plenty to share with you about how mobile bidding has generated as much as 50% increase in auction revenue for clients.
If your board really did believe mobile bidding was a bad idea, there is a good chance they didn't have all of the proper statistics available. Reach out to us if you run into an objection and we will get you the ammo you need.
Objection 8: Smartphones Make Bidding ‘Less Social' People Will be Staring at Their Phones All Night
In the age of dwindling attention spans, it seems only natural to believe that mobile bidding will cause individuals to be consumed by their phones.
In truth, mobile bidding allows individuals to quickly check the status of their bids from anywhere. In fact, they don't have to stare at their phone to see updates, because Handbid notifies bidders when they have been outbid. Meaning, your guests don't have to leave their current conversation or presentation to check on their bids, giving them more time to be social and engaged with the auction festivities.
Objection 9: We've Made a lot of Changes Throughout the Planning of this Auction Already �� We Can't ALSO Change the Way People Bid
Growth is impossible without change. However, constant change, like slowly peeling off a band-aid, can elongate discomfort for those who dislike change. Rip off that band-aid! Make your changes in batches. This will allow you to continue your growth while minimizing the toll on your attendees.
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Objection 10: We're not Going to do a Silent Auction, Just a Paddle Raise for Donations
Silent auctions require some work; and for some, that means they would prefer to not do them. If you are considering dropping your silent auction and just doing a paddle raise (in-room donation ask), consider doing both instead. Why? A paddle raise won't replace a silent auction because it serves an entirely different purpose and audience.
Those who participate in a paddle raise are ready and willing to donate to your organization. They know the cause you are promoting and agree to support it; but, there is a limit to what they will spend. How so? Let us explain: traditionally, and this has not changed for years, the average household donates around 2% of their annual income to charities. While the amount may change across good and bad economies, the percentage has not. So 2% for some households could be a big number. But don't get too excited. What you get out of that 2% depends on how many other charities that household chooses to support. In essence, your paddle raise is competing for roughly 2% of that donor's wallet.
A silent auction, on the other hand, will appeal to a guest at your event for different reasons. Silent auction bidders are looking for "something” in exchange for their money. Regardless of why they are at your event (long-time supporter, guest of a friend), they will bid on auction items because they will get something if they win. Thus, your silent auction will appeal to a larger portion of your audience at the event.
Silent auction bidders pull from a different portion of their wallet outside their charitable contributions. This means that you are not limited to 2% of their annual budget. Instead, this limit is more like 14%! Since most silent auction items include vacations, experiences, dining out, luxuries, services, these all fall into the disposable income category for most households (things that people spend money on after they cover their essentials of food, healthcare, transportation and a roof over their heads.) So just to give you this example with some simple math. If a household makes $100,000 per year. Your paddle raise could pull some portion of their $2,000 charity budget, but your silent auction could pull some portion of a $14,000 budget! And do you want to know the best part? These two are not exclusive. Meaning, you can capture contributions from both of these areas often from the same bidder.
Another perspective on how silent auctions can benefit your organization is pure psychology. Some folks refer to this as "The Foot in the Door" Technique. In a common scenario, a sponsorship also includes tickets or seats at a table for a given event. If a sponsor brings someone to your event who has never attended before, the silent auction is a great tool to entice your way into this new guest's wallet (or get your foot in the door with this guest!). The silent auction gives them something to do while they are at your event, depending on the price range of your items, they can donate to your organization in exchange for an item and it makes this person feel good about your event. Now, because they won an item, this guest is now in your database for you to reach out to for future events, with the goal in mind of eventually getting them to love your organization/cause and make a direct donation.
Mobile bidding is a viable solution for fundraising. Smartphones continue to revolutionize nearly every industry. They present a new way to attract younger audiences, engage your current audiences, and streamline tedious and repetitive processes. We've heard your objections and still firmly believe that mobile fundraising's future is not in the future, it's today. Take a look at all Handbid has to offer!
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