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How to Build an Auction Website: 9 Steps + Alternatives

Hosting a commercial auction and want to make a better impression on customers? Learn why you should build an auction website and how to get started here.
Screenshot of Handbid+ promotional auction website. At the top is the Handbid+ logo, navigational menu (Home, Features, Download App, Login in Handbid). Main body text reads: “Bid Like a Pro! Access Exclusive Commercial Auctions Today.” Below is a search bar and two CTAs: “Upcoming Auctions” and “Popular Items.” To the right is an older white man with black glasses and a black t-shirt, holding his phone and graphics of items to bid on.
Hosting a commercial auction and want to make a better impression on customers? Learn why you should build an auction website and how to get started here.

In an era where the digital revolution is redefining how we buy and sell, the auction industry is no exception. Traditional auction houses are embracing the online realm, transforming operations so their businesses stay ahead of the curve and thrive. 

Transitioning to online silent auctions might seem intimidating, but the rewards are significant. Going digital isn't just a trendy move; it's a strategic necessity. Statistics show that online auctions attract over four times more bidders than traditional in-person events, offering a massive boost to your potential audience. This shift highlights the need for businesses to establish robust, user-friendly online auction websites that can reach a global audience. We’ll explore everything you need to know to get started.

Why should you build an auction website?

Alright, let's cut to the chase: why should your business bother with an auction website? The answer is simple—because it's a game-changer. In addition to expanding your audience reach, online auctions can make a world of difference for your business and your customers. 

Here are just a few ways that building an auction website can take your auctions to new heights:

  • Easier, more user-friendly bidding process
  • User-friendly catalogs with detailed item descriptions and images
  • More adaptable auction formats (e.g. live, timed, sealed bid)
  • Increased competition among bidders which can lead to higher selling prices
  • Option for bidders to place automatic bids
  • Potential for quicker sales compared to traditional methods
  • Wide variety of items available for auction, including unique or hard-to-find items
  • Enhanced transparency with detailed item descriptions and bidding history available

When you build your own custom auction website, you call the shots. You get to personalize the experience to match your brand, make things run smoother, and tap into a global market that's always open for business. Plus, having a branded, custom auction website makes customers trust your business more than if you used generic sites like eBay or Amazon. Your business looks more professional and worthy of customers’ time and money when you have your own site.

Whether you're clearing out extra inventory, engaging with customers in a new way, or simply boosting your revenue, Handbid+ is your go-to custom, user-friendly tool for a business makeover.

What do you need to create your own auction website? 

Creating a custom auction website from scratch involves several key steps and features to ensure a seamless and engaging user experience. First, you'll need to secure a domain name that reflects your brand and is easy to remember. Next, integrate robust eCommerce and payment processing tools to handle transactions securely and efficiently. This includes setting up an SSL certificate to protect user data and build trust with your audience.

Your auction site must be mobile-friendly, given the growing number of users who prefer to bid on the go. Implementing mobile bidding features ensures that your platform is accessible and convenient. For the best user experience, consider developing a dedicated auction app in addition to your main website. This app can provide push notifications and other interactive features to keep users engaged and bidding actively.

How to Build an Auction Website from Scratch

Ready to earn more with a brand-new, custom site? Follow these steps to build an auction website from scratch (or, scroll ahead to an easier option—building your custom auction website with Handbid+).

1. Choose a domain name and web hosting account.

A domain name is your website's address on the internet, like "," and it’s what users type into their browser to find your site. Web hosting, on the other hand, is a service that stores your website's data and makes it accessible to users online. 

To get a domain name, you can register it through domain registrars like GoDaddy, Namecheap, or Google Domains. Web hosting services can be obtained from providers such as Bluehost, SiteGround, or HostGator.

When choosing a domain name, aim for something that is short, easy to remember, and reflects your brand. Good examples include "" or "," which are both straightforward and descriptive. Avoid complex, lengthy names or those with hyphens and numbers, like "," as they are harder to remember and prone to errors when typed. Keep it simple, relevant, and catchy to ensure your domain name leaves a lasting impression.

2. Define the vision for your auction website.

When you're setting up your auction website, defining your vision is key. Think about what types of auctions you want to host—whether it's silent auctions, live auctions, or timed online auctions. Consider why you're building a custom site: to give users a special experience, include your brand style, or add functions regular platforms don't have.

Take time to define the key features you need from your site. This might include:

  • Easy-to-use landing pages
  • Secure payment processing
  • User sign-up capabilities
  • Mobile bidding options options

Next, think about your target audience. Are they into art, antiques, or just browsing? Understanding your audience guides how the website looks and works. Outline a vision for the site’s visual design based on your audience’s interests. Keep things simple, polished, and user-friendly. Pick colors that match your brand and make sure it's a breeze to find things. Get these right, and you'll have a clear plan to build a top-notch auction site.

3. Outline the features and tech requirements you need.

Building an online auction website requires careful planning and consideration of various features and technical requirements to make sure it works like a charm. 

First things first, when it comes to the website structure, it's all about making it easy to use. Clear navigation and user-friendly interfaces are a must for everyone—whether you're buying or selling. Outline everything you need to provide a streamlined user experience on your custom auction website, including:

  • Basic features: You've got your basics covered like user registration, auctions, bids, payments, and messaging for smooth communication. And of course, secure payment gateways are key to keeping transactions safe and sound.
  • Specialized auction features: Real-time bidding, automatic bidding, mobile bidding, and auction countdown timers can enhance the user experience. Handbid+ simplifies these bidding processes, in addition to providing the option for users to save their favorite items and receive notifications when a bid is placed on them.
  • Technical requirements: Consider your website’s server capacity, bandwidth, and security measures. With Handbid+, you can rest assured that your website will have reliable servers, high bandwidth capabilities, and top-notch security protocols in place.

The key to success lies in constantly evaluating and improving these features and technical aspects. Regular updates and user feedback are crucial in ensuring a seamless experience for all parties involved in the online auction process.

For a better user experience, you may want to consider integration with third-party services for functionalities like shipping, escrow services, and analytics which can enhance the website's capabilities and performance. You won’t have to worry about this if you build an auction website with Handbid+. With careful consideration of both user-friendly features and strong technical foundations, Handbid+ provides everything you need to create an efficient and successful auction website.

4. Choose a web development model.

On your journey of building an auction website, one of the crucial decisions is choosing between a ready-made or custom-built website. Here’s a breakdown of your options:

  • Ready-made solutions offer pre-packaged software that can be quickly deployed, often with a range of features tailored to various industries. These solutions provide a convenient option for those seeking a faster launch and minimal development effort. Pros of ready-made solutions include reduced development time and costs, as well as access to a range of built-in features and functionalities. However, they may lack flexibility and customization options, limiting the ability to tailor the platform to specific needs or integrate unique features.
  • Custom-built websites offer unparalleled flexibility and control over every aspect of the site. With a custom solution, you have the freedom to design and implement features according to your exact requirements and specifications. This approach allows for a more tailored user experience and can give your platform a competitive edge in the market. However, custom development typically requires more time, resources, and expertise compared to ready-made solutions. 

Ultimately, choosing between off-the-shelf and personalized solutions comes down to things like your budget, how quickly you need it, how much you want it to grow with you, and how unique you want it to be.

If you want the pros of a custom-built site without dealing with all of the hurdles, consider Handbid+. Handbid is made up of live auction experts and our services include coaching to make sure that you have everything you need to successfully set up your custom website.

5. Form your auction website development team.

Forming an effective auction website development team involves delegating tasks to existing team members with relevant expertise or hiring new web developers to fill any skill gaps. Key roles may include:

  • Project managers
  • Frontend and backend developers
  • UI/UX designers
  • Quality assurance engineers
  • Database administrators. 

Existing team members can be assigned tasks based on their skills and experience, while new hires can be brought in to complement the team as needed. Clear communication and collaboration are essential for ensuring the smooth execution of the project and achieving the desired outcome within the specified timeline and budget.

6. Create a branded site design with intuitive UX

For a custom auction website to succeed, it's crucial to craft a branded site design that offers a user-friendly experience. Your site should have key content like a catalog displaying auction items up for bid, complete with detailed descriptions, top-notch images or videos, starting bid prices, and bidding increments. To draw in potential buyers effectively, make it easy for them by adding features like filters and search options for smooth navigation.

Your checkout page is probably the most important role on the website. Keep it simple and clear to help customers sail through their final purchases smoothly. Don't forget to make it mobile-friendly, since lots of users shop on their phones. Make sure your site adapts well to various screens and devices for a seamless user experience everywhere.

Having intuitive navigation is key to keeping users interested and encouraging them to explore the website more. When you have clear menu structures, prominently displayed call-to-action buttons, and easy-to-follow pathways, users can quickly find what they need and take actions like placing bids or making purchases. 

It's all about putting the user first—understanding what they want, making things easy, and always tweaking the design based on what users say and do. By focusing on these things, you can build an auction websitewith a welcoming and user-friendly space that boosts user satisfaction and drives engagement and conversions.

7. Develop a minimum viable product (MVP).

Let's talk about developing a minimum viable product (MVP) for your auction website. Think of an MVP as the stripped-down version of your platform that includes only the core features needed to satisfy early users. Why should you create one? Well, it's all about getting your product out there fast, testing the waters, and gathering valuable feedback to guide further development.

For an auction website, your MVP might include essential features like user registration, item listing, bidding functionality, and a basic checkout process. You don't need all the bells and whistles right away. By focusing on the essentials, you can launch quicker, validate your concept, and start building traction with early adopters.

So, what does this look like? Picture a simple yet functional website where users can sign up, browse items up for auction, place bids, and complete transactions. It's not about having every feature imaginable from the get-go. Instead, it's about delivering value to users while keeping development time and costs in check. As you gather feedback and insights from users, you can then iterate and expand your MVP to meet evolving needs and preferences.

8. Test your custom auction website.

It's time to put your custom auction website to the test! Check that all functionalities are working like a charm, from user registration to bidding and checkout. If you spot any glitches or hiccups along the way, no sweat—implement fixes pronto to keep things running smoothly.

We also encourage you to test how your site fares with a small subset of your audience. Get their feedback, watch how they navigate the site, and listen to what they have to say. Their insights can be pure gold, helping you fine-tune the user experience and iron out any kinks before your big launch. Testing and refining are the name of the game, so embrace the process and get ready to dazzle your audience with a flawless auction experience.

9. Release and promote your website.

It's go time—time to release and promote your website to the world! After all the hard work, it's exciting to see your vision come to life. Finalize those last details, double-check everything, and hit that publish button.

But wait, don't stop there. Now comes the fun part—spreading the word and drumming up excitement. Get active on social media, share sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes tidbits to pique interest. Don't forget about email—it's still a powerhouse for reaching your audience directly. Craft compelling messages and newsletters to drive traffic to your shiny new site.

And hey, don't neglect your business's main website. Instead, give it a makeover to showcase your new auction website in all its glory. Whether it's through blog posts, banners, or dedicated landing pages, make sure visitors know what you're all about.

So, rev up that promotion engine and let the world know you're open for business. It's time to shine!

Building a Custom Auction Website with Handbid

Screenshot of Handbid+ promotional auction website. At the top is the Handbid+ logo, navigational menu (Home, Features, Download App, Login in Handbid). Main body text reads: “Bid Like a Pro! Access Exclusive Commercial Auctions Today.” Below is a search bar and two CTAs: “Upcoming Auctions” and “Popular Items.” To the right is an older white man with black glasses and a black t-shirt, holding his phone and graphics of items to bid on.

Let's talk about building a custom auction website with Handbid+. It's like having your own personal toolbox for building a custom auction site without starting from scratch. With Handbid+, you get access to a range of powerful features and tools designed to streamline the website development process. 

From customizable templates to flexible APIs, Handbid+ gives you the freedom to create a tailored auction experience that fits your unique needs and brand identity. Plus, with built-in support and resources, you're never alone on your journey—Handbid+ has got you covered and is here to help you every step of the way. 

Why Handbid+?

Screenshot of Handbid+ mobile interface, showing how to build an auction website with the platform. At the top is the hamburger menu icon, the Handbid logo, number of notifications, a chat icon, and a search magnifying glass icon. Below shows event details, text reads: “September Asset Auction. Raised $66,000. Goal $100,000. Auction is Open. Silent auction closes on Friday at 12. Event details.” Below shows examples of different auction items, their descriptions, pictures, and prices.

So, why choose Handbid+ for your auction website needs? Well, let us break it down for you. Building a custom auction site from scratch can be a daunting task, as we explained above. From coding complexities to design dilemmas, it's enough to make anyone's head spin. But fear not! With Handbid+, you can kiss those worries goodbye. Our white-label software takes the hassle out of website building, offering a user-friendly platform that lets you create your dream auction site with ease.

What do you get with Handbid+? Let's talk features. Say hello to our:

  • Easy-to-use website builder, designed to help you craft a stunning site without breaking a sweat.
  • Custom auction app, helping you create a seamless mobile experience for your users, whether they're bidding on the go or keeping tabs on their favorite items. 
  • Analytics dashboards that give you valuable insights into user behavior, helping you fine-tune your strategy for maximum impact.

But wait, there's more! Handbid+ isn't just about features—it's about expertise. With years of auction know-how under our belt, we've crafted a platform that's tailored to your needs, with integrations, unique URLs, and more. So why struggle with building from scratch when you can have all this and more at your fingertips? Choose Handbid+ and make your auction dreams a reality—the easy way.

Wrapping up

It’s a no-brainer that Handbid+ is the ultimate solution for creating a successful and profitable auction website. Our advanced features, expert knowledge, white-label branding, and user-friendly platform make it an easy choice. Don't waste time with unreliable or complicated systems—trust in Handbid+ to elevate your auction website and provide an unforgettable experience for your users, while saving your team the headache of building a custom auction website from scratch. 

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Testing image caption text
  1. Numbered list
  2. Numbered list 2
  3. Numbered list 3

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.