Handbid has been named a Colorado Companies to Watch winner for 2019!
Colorado Companies to Watch honors second-stage companies from across the state for their undeniable impact on Colorado communities.

"We are excited to be recognized as one of the Colorado Companies to Watch, especially since we were nominated by one of our long-time charity clients,” says Jeff Porter, CEO of Handbid. "CCTW looks for companies that are creating innovative products, serving the community and fueling job growth. Our team and our customers are the reason we have been given this honor. Without our team's heart to serve, our customers wouldn't receive the high level of service that we are known for. We could not be happier to accept this recognition.”
"We are pleased to recognize Handbid as one of Colorado's 50 most innovative 2nd stage companies,” says Alison Dunnebecke, Colorado Companies to Watch Board Director. "Handbid is one of an elite group of companies who have worked hard to positively impact our community by developing innovative products to serve non-profits. The impact of their efforts is widespread across many different organizations who serve our Colorado communities.”
Colorado Companies to Watch, brought to you by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, works to recognize the driving economic forces in the state by focusing not merely on growth, but on the real impact and influence of an organization. By focusing on second-stage companies across the state, the program offers clear insight into the state's economic landscape and recognizes organizations often overlooked for the critical impact they have in their industries, communities, and regions, as well as our state as a whole.
About Colorado Companies to Watch
Colorado Companies to Watch is an awards program honoring 2nd-stage companies headquartered in the state of Colorado. The 550 companies that have been honored since the program's inception demonstrate high performance in the marketplace or exhibit innovative products or processes. The program is designed to seek businesses from a wide range of industries throughout the state, not just the major metropolitan areas. The 50 companies selected each year make an astounding impact on Colorado's economy by collectively providing thousands of jobs and contributing millions of dollars in revenue. The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) launched the program in 2009 in conjunction with the Edward Lowe Foundation and valuable community partners from across Colorado.
For more information on Colorado Companies to Watch, visit ColoradoCompaniestoWatch.org, facebook.com/ColoradoCompaniestoWatch and Twitter @ColoradoCTW.
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