woman using laptop

Fundraising pages

Make it easy for individuals and teams to raise money for your cause

Peer to Peer fundraising pages boost donor engagement and provide an additional revenue stream

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Enlist donors to tap into their networks

Promote friendly competition among fundraisers

Bring more attention to your organization

Maximize your peer-to-peer fundraising efforts

Now your most enthusiastic donors can become fundraisers – and bring their friends along.

It’s easy to become a fundraiser using Handbid. Donors can create their own pages, set fundraising goals, and even join a team.

Team pages and leader boards inject a little healthy competition into fundraising. The harder your donors try to win, the more money you raise.

Do all of these things with your Handbid fundraising pages

Add fundraising goals in any amount
Assign pages to teams so donors can compete with each other
Include compelling images and video content
Encourage more donations by showing the amount raised
Publish a fundraising story that brings more donors on board
Make giving easier and more fun


What clients say about Handbid’s fundraising tools

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"Our fundraising increased by more than seven times with Handbid.

When we used paper bid sheets our auction raised $3,000. When we started using Handbid, our auction raised over $23,000."

- Liz Scull

The Voila Foundation
voila logo

Maximize your peer-to-peer fundraising efforts

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Fundraisers create a new page, give it a title, and set goals.

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They can add images, videos, and a story to the page.

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Fundraisers publish the page and share it with their friends

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If your donors want, they can assign the page to a team.

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Teams compete against each other to see who can raise the most money.

Use templates to manage fundraising page design

Create your own fundraising page templates in Handbid. When someone starts a new fundraiser, everything they add to the page conforms to your template specifications.

That way, you get to control the look and feel of your fundraisers, even though individuals and teams are running them.

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All the fundraising tools you need to raise more revenue

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Competitive, team-based giving

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Integration with existing donor data

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Images and video

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Custom fundraising page templates

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Compelling fundraising stories

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Leaderboards that show top donors

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Easily configure and adjust your fundraising goals

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Consolidate your peer-to-peer campaigns into one application

Start raising more money at your in-person auctions

Schedule a live demo to see Handbid in action →