New Releases

Handbid Launches Exciting New Features in Handbid TV

Utilize Handbid's onscreen display to show live stats and action at your fundraising event.
Utilize Handbid's onscreen display to show live stats and action at your fundraising event.

We are constantly working on improvements to our auction platform and we launch those improvements throughout the year. However, we don't always do the best job of communicating some of these new features to our clients and prospective clients.  So... we intend to get better at that moving forward. 

One new feature we recently launched was a live activity feed for Handbid TV, in conjunction with some other visual enhancements to our dashboards and live thermometers.  A shortlist of those enhancements are

  • Redesign of the Handbid TV screens to make them more visually appealing (a refresh -- if you will)
  • Added the auction logo to the screens
  • Auction managers can now customize the gradient bg to their own brand
  • New thermometer design on all screens
  • New appeals thermometer that also shows the donor's name 
  • New auction activity feed ("ticker")

You can watch a video about these new features by clicking on the link below:

Onscreen display for your auction and fundraising event

What is Handbid TV?

Handbid TV is a series of dashboard slides you can show at a live event. The dashboard slides include top items by bids/revenue, progress vs. goals (overall, silent auction, donations), top money raised by solicitors (for those LLS MWOY type events), etc.  

The dashboards update in real-time as auction activity occurs making them fun and interactive.



The idea for the feed stemmed from a client meeting we had back in February with a long-time customer whose auction tends to generate a flurry of activity. 

So what is a "flurry"? Well last year, their auction generated over 4,800 bids (yes four-thousand-eight-hundred).  Their bidders are very engaged, love the Handbid platform, and really love outbidding each other for a great cause. 

On the call, our client felt they could generate even more bids this year if they could show a live feed of auction activity.  We agreed that this would be a great feature add to Handbid, so we set off to design and deliver it.  

The result is our new auction activity feed, or what we like to internally call the "Auction Ticker".  The ticker shows live updates of each winning bid, each item purchase, each item sold (in the auction), broadcast messages and donations.  

The ticker debuted at this event last week and helped them generate 6,625 bids.  Yes, no mistake there, six-thousand-six-hundred-twenty-five bids.  Find a web-based platform that could keep up with that! 



Want to have input on new features? 

We love working with engaged clients, those who want to not only make their auction events better but also help us continue to make Handbid better.  Every feature we add is based upon a strong belief here that it will help our clients raise more money, help bidders get more engaged, and streamline the overall auction process.  

We would love your thoughts, suggestions and feedback. Please reach out to us to get started with Handbid today!


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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Testing image caption text
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