New Releases

Handbid Release 2.48 - Broadcast Messaging Update, Mass Invite System, and More!

New feature updates including user address capture, display sheet generation, broadcast message improvements, invite system improvements
New feature updates including user address capture, display sheet generation, broadcast message improvements, invite system improvements

Happy 2022! To ring in the new year, we have a list of new features and upgrades we are excited to introduce to you! Let's jump into the Handbid 2.48 release:

Handbid's New Features Update

User Address Capture

Handbid will now allow for addresses to be selected using Google Address plugin for Web users, iOS users, and Android users. For web users, the address field upon registration will be a Google Address field.



For iOS users and Android users, they will be able to select their address using Google Address by clicking on the profile icon in the Handbid app and clicking on "ADDRESS” in the top right.


Display Sheet Generation

We have reworked the display sheet generation, making it easier to edit descriptions, track the progress of generation and print the specific sheets that you want.

You will now see on an item in the manager a separate description box named "Display Sheet Description”. This description is used exclusively for your display sheets and is limited to 400 characters to fit properly on a display sheet. You will need to make sure each item that you will be generating a display sheet for has a populated Display Sheet Description box.


You can generate individual display sheets for a single item or a select quantity of display sheets.

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By improving the generation of the display sheet rendering process, you will now be able to see your progress and track your job until completion.



Broadcast Messaging Improvements

The broadcast managing tool has new features and capabilities that will allow you to be more direct with your users, feature items, write templates and select specific user groups that you would like to receive the message.



  1. If you are looking to send your messages to a specific group of bidders, you can utilize the box tagged "Who do you want to send the broadcast to?” Choose one from the three list options: "All Bidders”, "Bidders with no bids”, and "bidders with unpaid invoices”.
  2. You can now draft your messages in advance. Under the broadcast message box, you will see a button tagged "Save Template”. Once you save your template, you will be able to select your template when you are ready to use it by using the "Select Template” box. 
  3. When you open the broadcast management tool, choose between Bidder tokens, Event tokens, and Organization tokens to personalize your messages to your bidders.
  4. Promote items in the broadcast message tool by selecting the item that you want to be paired with your message. When a bidder clicks on the broadcast message, it will direct them to the item that you paired with the message. 
  5. Populate a broadcast message from a saved template. You will have the ability to edit the message before you send it.



When you duplicate (1) your auctions/events, you will be given the option to "Include Broadcast Templates” (2). This allows you to carry over old templates that you would like to continue using into your next auction/event. 

Invite System Improvements

A highly requested feature from 2021, managers will now be able to send invites to the entire invite list with one click. Also included is improved invite system queuing, making it much faster for larger invite lists. 

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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where deleted contacts could not be un-deleted
  • Security improvements to the manager interface
  • Improvements to our Zapier application (public version coming soon!)
  • WInner notifications were not consistently going out when timers were used. Fixed!

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Testing image caption text
  1. Numbered list
  2. Numbered list 2
  3. Numbered list 3

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.