New Releases

Handbid Release 2.14 - New Features and Improvements

New features including appeals recorder, mass invite, personalized emails and sms, and more
New features including appeals recorder, mass invite, personalized emails and sms, and more

In keeping with our promise to provide more updates on new features and improvements to Handbid, we wanted to share with you the details of our latest release:

Handbid's New Features Update

Auction managers can now show an item's value as priceless.

While we continue to argue that this is not a great idea in most cases and ultimately will harm your donor's ability to claim any deductions, we get asked for this feature all of the time. Moreover, our clients in countries other than the USA operate under different charity laws and would prefer to be able to mark items as priceless.  So… sigh.. We have enabled it! To turn this on, simply mark "Show Value as priceless” and the value will show as priceless on the web and in the apps. However, on a bidder's invoice, the value will simply be blank (because priceless as a value still makes no sense there).

Click on this link to learn more about how to set this.

A slick new (and easy) way to enter in appeals (donations).  

Getting 50 $100 donations in your paddle raise is awesome!  But the process of entering those can often be a chore. Trust us, we know.  We are often doing this job for our clients for any events we attend. We always planned to make this easier, and now we have.

With our new appeals entry tool, you can easily add in multiple paddle numbers for each level, identify those bidders who don't have a card on file, find and remove duplicate entries, check your numbers and then process them in bulk all at once.

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You just have to see it to get a feel for it, so check out an article and video on it here.

Register to buy a ticket or buy a ticket to register?

This may be the age-old "chicken and the egg” question all over again.  Regardless, we think auction managers should decide. So now managers can "require a ticket to register”.  Essentially, what that does is remove the register link on the Event home page so users will only have the option to Buy Tickets (which will also register them) or Browse Items (if they have an auction).

Have more questions on this?  Click here to learn more about this feature.

Handbid Invites - Mass invite people to your Auction Event

Whether you are using the Handbid Guest List tool or just wanting to get the word out,  Handbid Invites allows managers to add a group of people to an invite list and invite them in bulk via eMail or SMS. We have a ton of new knowledge base articles on how this works, but here are some highlights:

Bulk add contacts to the invite list based on past behavior.  

  • Find anyone who has donated, bid, registered, spent money, at a prior auction (or all prior auctions) and add them into your invite list.
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Bulk add guests from the guest list to the invite list

  • Sure, they are in your guest list, but do they know that? Do they know how to register or get setup to bid?  Managers can bulk select guests from the guest list and add them to the invite list.

Create eMail and SMS personalized messages

  • Setup email and SMS templates that use merge tokens (name, event data, etc.) to personalize the email or SMS message.  Add in images and a personal message.
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Auto-Register or Login Invitees though a personalized URL

  • Handbid will generate a personalized URL for each person on the invite list.
  • If that person is an existing user in Handbid, the URL will log them into Handbid and put them into your auction
  • If that person is new to Handbid, it will pre-populate the registration form with the data you have in your contact list to help speed up the registration process.  

Track Invitation Responses

  • Handbid will tell you who was invited, who clicked on the registration link, and who has become a bidder.  All in one screen.

So what else?

If that wasn't enough, we cleaned up a few bugs found in our last release and improved the overall usability of the auction manager.

But stay tuned, we have a number of new features in the pipeline ready to be released soon!  


What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Testing image caption text
  1. Numbered list
  2. Numbered list 2
  3. Numbered list 3

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.