Announcing numerous updates to the Handbid platform over the fall 2019 timeframe.
We are usually much better about keeping you informed about our upgrades, but the fall got the best of us and we got behind on our announcements. So this release announcement covers FOUR different software releases done since mid-August of this year. While it may not feel that much was done, we can assure you our team has been working around the clock to improve our platform.
In fact, since August 21, we have fixed and improved over 272 things in the Handbid system and over 700 commits to our software codebase. Here is a brief highlight of things that have been improved:
Handbid's New Features Update
- Sponsor logos and the mobile splash interface was completely rebuilt to make it easier for managers to add web sponsors and adjust their sort-order online.
- SmartLinks were rebuilt as well to simplify how they are generated and how they can be used for check-in and invitations. If you are not familiar with SmartLinks, these allow Handbid to log in your guests and take them right to your auction. For invitations, SmartLinks also allow Handbid to pre-populate any registration forms with your invitee’s information prior to them completing their registration.
- If your guest used a discount code when purchasing a ticket, some browsers would overwrite the block that would allow them to cover fees. We fixed that!
- Goodbye Internet Explorer. While IE 11 is not “dead”, we have decided to drop support for it. Microsoft was poured all of its engineering into MS Edge (the successor to IE) and IE is lacking support for so many modern web technologies. Moreover, support for IE was requiring considerable development time… for a browser that less than 3% of the market uses. Since Handbid wants to create the best user experience possible, we had to make this tough decision. If you are using IE 11, we strongly recommend you also install Edge, Chrome or Firefox on that machine.
- We ran into a problem with Stripe connect users who were trying to process online donations. The routing was not working. We squashed that one quickly!
- We made significant improvements to the performance of creating new contacts in the backend.
- Kindful users, the redirect when authorizing Handbid to access Kindful was not forcing SSL. We fixed that!
- Ticket purchase summary was showing the number of transactions made, not the number of tickets purchased. Well, that was confusing. If you purchased 2 tickets in one transaction, you should logically think that you had 2 tickets. After our quick fix, it now correctly tells you how many tickets you have!
- Somewhere along the way, the QR code generator for items generated images that were really small. We fixed that so they now generate at the correct image resolution now.
- When you created a new guest, Handbid wanted to push you to check them in right away. We fixed that too! Now you can add a guest and not be forced to check them in until you are ready to do so.
- Sometimes (randomly) the invoices view would lose its stylesheet and show just a white page and black text. That is now fixed!
- Event Only items were showing up in the LIVE category on the Events site. We now properly categorize them in their proper place!
- iOS 13 came with a number of changes to how we send out PUSH messages. We upgraded our PUSH messaging system to support those changes.
- Custom donations were rebuilt and updated so that managers can enable or disable them. Users can now go to the donate tab and type in any amount they want (if managers enable it). As part of this upgrade, we also changed how they are reflected on invoices and on a user’s device. The screenshot below shows the settings in the financial tab where you can enable custom donations.
- We implemented a new privacy feature that allows fundraising managers to make a fundraiser private. This hides the leaderboard and access to any pages without having the direct URL to that page. This was built for organizations that want to obscure or hide the identity of their fundraisers or insure their privacy from those that were not explicitly given direct access to their page.
- Managers can now decide if fundraisers can create their own teams or if they can only join teams created by the manager.
- The thermometer was updated to automatically update itself when donations are made both online and offline.
- When creating your fundraiser, some of the templates would not save. We fixed that so now all sponsors, images, and template information you enter when creating a fundraiser saves!
- Certain types of donations were not counted in the TOTAL REVENUE thermometer in the manager. That has been fixed too!
- Fundraisers that had more than 25 teams would run into a pagination issue where only the first 25 were shown. We fixed that now so all of appear.
NEW - Handbid WhiteLabel Release
Along with all of the bug fixes, we have been working hard to implement a newly redesigned and capable whitelabel platform. This means that we can more easily (and cost-effectively) deliver customized auction platforms and apps.
Our first partner with this is the ECHL. We are proud to announce the launch of ECHL auction apps for iPhone, Android, and the web. ECHL fans can now register and bid on their favorite ECHL team’s gear from their own ECHL app!
App Examples:
Web Example:
Any other questions regarding new features and upgrades, do not hesitate to reach out to
What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
- Numbered list
- Numbered list 2
- Numbered list 3
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.